Social Media Disclosure
The following describes the Social Media Disclosure for our website.
Presence/Scope of Social Media
You should assume that social media is used on this website. Any clicks of social media buttons to share or endorse a person, product, or service is building a cumulative profile about you, which you should always assume could be discovered by others. The sharing of this website, or content thereon, whether by means of directly pressing a button on this website or by email forwarding from this website, may not stop solely with the intended recipient(s), and may generate information about you that could potentially be seen by an infinite number of people.
You should be aware that the ease of accessing one site via the login credentials of another, or the use of a global login for access to multiple sites can create a cumulative profile on you and your online behaviour and may reveal more to unintended parties than you might realize or desire. Such features could exist on this website at any time.
Protecting Others
You should be aware that divulgences made by you, in and on social media platforms, on this website (and others) are rarely confined to just you. Disclosures made about group matters may potentially affect and impact other people. Other disclosures about third parties may appear funny at the time however “public” disclosures and retaliation can have longterm repercussions.
The ideal use of any social media functionality on this website should confine your disclosures to matters pertaining to you and not others. If you are unsure, it is always best to err on the side of caution and non-disclosure.
Protecting Yourself
You should be aware of the potential long-term effects of any decision to publicly share private information about yourself on this website. Your current likes, dislikes, opinions and preferences may change. The divulgence of perspectives that you currently hold, may conflict with your views in the future.Information shared by you today can have consequences that could later impact your ability to obtain certain employment or hinder you in other aspects of your future.
The ideal use of any social media functionality on this website should limit your disclosures to non-personal matters. If you are unsure, it is always best to err on the side of caution and non-disclosure.
You should be aware that we are not responsible for removing content once shared by you, or others, and we may not be able to remove it.
Restrictions on Use of Social Media Data
As a visitor to this website, are not permitted to ‘mine’ any social media or other platforms contained herein for any personal information related to others. The disclosure and display of public data by others, should not be construed in any way by you, as having the right to capture, reproduce, or reuse such information. Usage of social media or related platforms on this website are solely for interactive use only, and it’s usage is relevant only during the website visit.
Accuracy of Social Media Data
You should be aware that Social media is built on user-generated content and you should be mindful of this in determining the accuracy or authenticity of anything you read. We are not responsible for verifying user-generated content for accuracy. You should consider all such content purely as opinion, not fact.
Potential Issues of Liability
You should also be mindful of the fact that your words could render you liable for harm caused to others. Whilst you have the right to free speech, you do not have the right to damage or cause harm or upset to other people. Under basic principles of tort law, you are always responsible, personally, for situations where either:
1. you were required to act, but did not (i.e. some “duty of care”)
2. your were required to refrain from acting, but did not (i.e. slander, defamation, etc.)
Such ‘sins of omission and commission’ can create problems for you, regardless of whether you are conducting business as one or more business entities. Unethical and illegal conduct, carried out under the name of a corporation or LLC, is still unethical and conduct. You should consult a licensed attorney if you require legal advice as to the (potential) ramification of your situation or legal issues arising from this website or another.